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Natural History Cinematographer

Heart of the Coast

The Heart of The Coast was written in collaboration with the founding members of the TULA foundation, and eloquently tells the stories of the natural world, uncovered by the Hakai Institute and some of the research developments completed at the Calvert Island Ecological Observatory, in British Columbia. This research relies on the contributions from countless scientists who share a similar passion for marine science in the coastal ecosystems that cover the extensive regions of the north east Pacific coast.

In late 2019, I was contacted by the Hakai Institute, and asked if I would be able to provide some images to help illustrate the publication "Heart of the Coast”. I have always been passionate about sharing the wonders of the ocean, and telling their story through photography, but having the opportunity to combine my images with respected, science-based publications has been a heartwarming experience to say the least.

The ocean is full of wonders and mysteries, and the research and publications supported by organizations such as Hakai, help shed a little light on these fascinating ecosystems. Contributing my imagery to this book to help provide an educational tool to those who wish to learn more about the coastlines, and oceans of British Columbia has been a pleasure.

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© Maxwel Hohn. Nature and wildlife cinematographer & photographer. Underwater RED camera operator. Underwater camera rentals Canada.

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