This wildlife mini documentary follows the daily life of one wolf pack as they fight to survive along the wild west coast of Canada.
Some of the most secluded beaches of British Columbia are home to a unique wolf species that has evolved to gather their sustenance from both land and sea. Call of the Coastal Wolves follows a group of filmmakers over a two week expedition as they endeavour to film the elusive wolf.
This short film asks us to reflect on our impacts to the natural world as we witness these compassionate, loving animals that deserve more attention and respect.
Watch above, or click here:

Special thanks to Steve Woods for setting up this expedition and contributing phenomenal footage. This film would not have been possible without his skill and knowledge of photographing coastal wolves. See more of Steve's work at:
A big applaud and thank you to Russell Clark for writing and editing this heart warming story. Russell is one of the most talented editors I know, and has been such a pleasure to have as a friend and business partner. Check out more of Russell's work at:
Thank you to: Tom McPherson, Paul Nicklen, John Kelsey, Dolf Vermeulen, Jocelyn Eyre and Roseanne Keatley