Natural History Cinematographer
Maxwel Hohn

STOCK PHOTOGRAPHY with exclusive use or non-exclusive licenses. Please contact me.
High quality prints are available for all of my images, contact me and click here.
What do you prefer - video or stills?
Haha, that's an unfair question! I love filming = capturing wildlife behaviour on camera is equally challenging and rewarding. But... still photography is a lot of fun with its own challenges and rewards.
What do you look for when shooting underwater?
Ambient lighting is the number one thing I look for while diving. In the cooler, darker waters of Canada I often choose to shoot on sunny days. In tropical blue water destinations I prefer to shoot during magic hour. I like to shoot in shallow water, often near cliffs and natural surface objects like tall trees or rock formations, these can help create light beams in the water that lead to an interesting subject.
What stills equipment do you use?
Underwater and above I use a Canon R5. It’s a well built workhorse and takes beautiful, very high resolution images. I have a Nauticam housing for it and a selection of Canon lenses, domes and ports. For lights I'm big fan of Light & Motion Sola range including the Sola X - which incorporates strobes and constant lighting into one small unit.